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I, Mon day -LY OR OX HILL, VIRGINIA h l 0 g n t Se nd ·wa:' a: ��:�:�� �: �� t:� � t B a�tle �f- Bull Run or Manassas y · ee, 1:1 nt nmg his offensive, se nt Jackson's corps nort h around �he � nwn ng�t. � e was met b Fed erals under I. I. Stevens and Phili y ar . f that lasted until evening' th /F�; �y � �; severe figh t ing in he avy rain era s Wit rew. Stevens and Kea n r y two of t he t . . ng U nion o�cers, were killed. The deat h of t he beloved ::� a�::;� Kearn p arncularly was mourned y bo t h North and South p ' h I e ce

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� �: se. Lee kept the pressure o n t he distraught Federals, but Washington it self was we ll protected. Th ere was skirmishing. at p utnam, Neosh o, and Spring Riv er, Mo. Maj. Gen. Ormsb M. Mitche l, fa?1ed astronomer and lecture y r who had fought well in Tennessee, wa s assigned t o command the U . Ilion Department of t he South. For th e Co nfederates MaJ.· Gen. J· p. McCown assumed command of th D

partment of East Ten nessee.

Exci temen t in th e North con t inued · to ri:e ' m t he e ast over Secon . d Bull Run, ancI Ill west, particularl y at Louisville t he . and Cmc. 1t1, over t he nearness of Kirby Smith and his Confederates Th · e Federat� avy st0PPed the "spi rit rat ion" of the s ailors. President Davis was havin . . g .difficult Y w_ith South C arolm a authori t ies ove r the e nforcement f . nscr� 10 n. �res1_dent_ Lincol n, McClellan, and Halleck conferred abo:t :e r m1 Itary situation m Virginia. / I' ,,.,,, Septem ber 2, Tuesday CHA?'..

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September 3, Wednesday Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, realizing the futility of att acking Washington, edged toward Leesburg and the crossings of the Potomac. Confederates occupied Winchester and there were skirmishes at Falls Church, Bunker Hill, Edwards' Ferry, and other points in northern Vir­ ginia. There were operations around Harper's Ferry, Ravenswood, Weston, Ch arles Town, and Martinsburg, western Virginia, and Lovettsville, Va. Gen. Pope conferred with President Lincoln, and then delivered a written report to Halleck charging Gen. Porter with disobeying orders and McClell an with f ailing to support him. Second Manassas or Bull Run was to be refought many times in words. In Dakota Territory there w as action with the Indians at Fort Aber­ crombie. Joseph Holt of Kentucky was appointed Judge Advocate General of the United States. A skirmish occurred at Geiger's Lake, Ky. In the North Lee's operations in Virginia kept the citizens in suspense, while . Kentucky was aroused over E Kirby Smith's invasion. Troops of Smith's command had occupied the state c apital of Frankfort.


IN VIRGINIA . pope ordered his beaten bu t no t routed Federa ! Arm of Virgini.a to pull back irit o the Washingt o n are a entrench ments· .Th erey were sk.·1rm1shes near Fairfax Cour t House . ' Falls Church v·ienna' Flmt H"l J l ' and Leesburg. Mr. Lincoln res t ored McCle . ll an to f uII 'command m v· . 1rgm 1. a and around f Wash ing t on a move oppo . sed by Secretanes Stanton a nd Chase. Lincoln had doub t s �bou t McClellan, bUt suppressed t hem· pope w as lef t Wi. t hout a command The vic t o · C:n federates g athere? their for ces near Chantilly for new advent ures. �:�;n orces evacu at ed Wmchester i n th e Shenandoah Valley. In Minnesot a Sioux India n·s bes . ieg. ed a Federa) det achment , Coulee. H • H • s·b at Birch I ley s men relie ved the siege Sept. 3· Th ere was a skirmish near Nashville T nn., • and Confeder ates under E. Kirb occupied Lexington K;. ; y Smith -gg � rm y continued to ma ' rch north from Ch attanooga. There was a � � s Irm1s near Memph is, Tenn., a nd a Federal 26o t

Louis M. expedition from Suffolk, Va., Sept. 2-3. Federal Flag O Goldsborough was relieved of command of the North AtlanL.- Blockading Squadron. About this time Mr. Lincoln penned a "Meditation on the Divine Will," in which he stated, "In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, but one must be wro ng. God can not be for, and against the same thing at the same time." Business was suspended and citizens began drilling in Cincinn ati, 0., Covington and Newport, Ky., after learning t h at Confederate forces were nearby. Martial law was declared.


September 4, Thursday Lee's army began its principal crossings of the Potomac b y fords in the Leesburg area, an operation which continued until the seventh. The Confederates were o eir way to Maryland. There w as skirmishing at Point of Rocks, erlin, oolesville, Monocacy Aqueduct, Md. McClellan w as reorgamzmg rmy of t he Potomac amid Cabinet discussions in Washington. Federals were ev acuating Frederick, Md. In Minnesota skirmishing with the Indians continued at Hutchinson. Th ere were actions in C allaway County and at Prairie Chapel, Mo.; Shelb yville, Ky.; Boutte Station and Bayou des Allem ands, La. John Hunt Morgan and his men joined E. Kirby Smith at Lexi ngton, K y . Confeder ate Brig. Gen. A. G. Jenkins culminated his raiding in western Virginia by crossing the Ohio River in the Point Ple asant area for a brief excursion into the North.
