Page:Some History about the Village of Berlin.pdf/146

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th,;nce ;,J_th another of his lines N 38 W 110 1/2 poles to a stake corner t

� to the begrnnin Cooper,and thence Fith Coopers line S 51 1/4 W 14 80/100 .i,oles -

containing fifty one acres two roods a11d nineteen pe�ches of land


f,rnl the said grantors release unto the said gr:ntee,all the�r claims

u,-on the said lot or parcel of land with g-eneral warr2.llty. Witness the follo,•ing signatures and seals.

John Ruse her,. Eli.zabeth BRuse (Seal) ......._ ma:r-k

"' ¾:.....__

Loudoun County to wit:




I,John Grubb a Justice of the Peace for the County a�'oresaid in the

0L:tc of Virgihia do certify that John Ruse whose name is signed to the

,•r it inf, above bGar ing date on the 12th day of September 1865 has acknowledged tr.e same before me in my County aforesaid.

Given under my hand this 12th day of September 1865 John Grubb


Loudoun County to wit:

I,John Grubb a Justice of the Peace for the County aforesaid in the

State of Virginia do certify that Elizabeth Ruse the vife of John Ruse ,·hose names are signed to the writing •.-,ithin bearing date on the 12th

,; day of September 1865 personally appeared before me privily and apart from he!' husband and having the writing aforesaid fully explained to her,she

the said Elizabeth Ruse acknowledged toe said writing to be her act and

declared that she had willingly executed the same and does not ,•ish to retract it.

Given under my hand this 12th day of September 1865

John Grubb J.P.

Clerk's Office of the County Court of Loudoun County to wit: July 2nd 1868

The foregoing deed vas this day received in said Office stamped two

dollars and fifty cents and stamp cancelled and admitted to record. Teste

- :-: �� Geo. K. Fox

Bo·,··�an, C. A & c Tee


year 1868 between Sidr.ey Ha·tt"ling of the first part,Catharine Bowman and C:2orge -/. Bowman

HcC-::.rty, R. C.

of the third part.

This deed made the 21st day of June in the



Jr., D.C,

of the second part,and Rich2rd C. McCarty


That whereas the said McCarty by his

dee-:: bearing date the 6th day of August 1867 and recorded in the Clerk's Of:'ic,. or our County Court of